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Pharmacy floor and wall tiles

Functional and distinctive furnishings

The practical requirement of displaying products is combined with the tastes of the clientele to create architectural impact within the commercial activity. Sharing a distinctive and highly personalised design with our architects is a prerogative for us. Different materials blended together provide a natural effect, breaking away from a clean and simple style.

Floor and wall tiles used

Main flooring: Rex porcelain stoneware tile, La Roche series, Ecrù Smooth colour, 6 mm thick, in 60×120 cm format
Entranceway flooring: Rex porcelain stoneware tiles, La Roche series, Ecrù colour, in  40×80 cm format
General wall tiles: Rex porcelain stoneware tiles, La Roche series, Ecrù Smooth colour, 6 mm thick, in 60×120 cm format
Display wall tiles: Rex porcelain stoneware tiles, Ardoise series, Ecrù colour, 6 mm thick, in 80×80 format