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Politique de traitement des donnés personnelles

Why do I have this notice?

Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation 2016/679/EU (hereinafter "GDPR"), ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., with registered office in Salò (BS), Via Eugenio Montale, 2 - 25087, in its capacity as "Data Controller" is committed to the respect and protection of the User's privacy and seeks to guarantee the security in processing of the data provided both during browsing sessions and during registration in the restricted zone.
The following notice provides details on the processing of personal data relating to Users who visit or view the website that can be accessed online at (the 'Site'). This notice is solely for the website of ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. and not for any other sites that may be accessed and viewed by the User through links (please refer to the respective privacy policy in relation to the latter). 
With regard to the content and information provided, ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. shall endeavour to keep the Site content reasonably up-to-date and revised, without any guarantee as to the appropriateness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided, explicitly rejecting any liability for any errors of omission in the information provided on the Site.

Browsing data

The personal data provided and acquired when requesting information and/or contact information, registering on the site and using the services via a smartphone or any other device, as well as the data necessary for the provision of these services, including browsing data and data used for the possible purchase of the products and services offered, will be processed in compliance with applicable legislation.
During the course of their normal operations the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website obtain, certain personal data implicitly transferred when using the Internet. This is information which is not collected to associate it with identified interested parties, but which, by its very nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, may make it possible to identify users in the process of browsing. This category of data includes "IP addresses" or domain names of the computers used by Users connecting to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the User's IT environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check the correct functioning of the ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. website.
This data may be used to ascertain liability in the event of cyber crimes to the detriment of the ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. website or other sites connected or linked to it; excluding this eventuality, data regarding online connections are not retained for more than a few days.

Data provided by the user

ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. processes the User's personal data for the purpose of providing the products and services offered on the Site or for legal obligations. With regard to some specific Services, Products, Promotions, etc. ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may also process the data for commercial and marketing purposes. In such cases, a specific, separate, optional and always revocable consent will be requested at the addresses and as indicated below.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated in the appropriate section of the Website, the filling in of questionnaires (e.g. forms), communication via chat sessions, push notifications via APPs, social networks, call centres, etc., involves the acquisition of certain personal data, including data collected through the use of Apps and related services required to respond to queries. If certain content and digital services are offered by partner companies of ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., it may be necessary to transfer User data. 
On the Website, the User may also access areas where he/she may post information using blogs or noticeboards, communicate with others, e.g. via Facebook®, LinkedIn®, YouTube®, and through other social networking sites, review products and offers, and post comments or content. Before connecting to these areas, please read the General Terms and Conditions of Use carefully, bearing in mind that, under certain circumstances, the information you publish may be viewed by anyone with access to the Internet and any information you include in your postings may be read, collected and used by third parties.

Purposes of processing and legal basis

Data are processed for the following purposes:
  1. Purposes that are strictly related to and necessary for registration on the website,for services and/or Apps developed or provided by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., for the use of related information services, for the management of contact or information requests, for the purposes of purchasing the products and services offered;
  2. For activities related to the management of User/Customer requests and the sending of feedback, which may include the transmission of promotional material; to finalise the purchase order of the products and services offered, including aspects related to payment by credit card, the management of shipments, the possible exercise of the right of withdrawal provided for distance purchases, the updating on the availability of products and services temporarily unavailable;
  3. For purposes related to the fulfilment of obligations under EU and national law, the protection of public order, and the detection and prosecution of crime;
  4. Direct marketing, i.e. the sending of advertising material, direct sales, the carrying out of market research or the commercial communication of products and/or services offered; may also concern products and services of Companies of the Group to which ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. belongs and may be carried out by sending advertising/information/promotional material and/or invitations to participate in initiatives, events and offers to reward Users/Customers, and by "traditional" methods (e.g. paper mail and/or operator calls), by "automated" contact systems (e.g. SMS and/or MMS, automated telephone calls , e-mail, fax, interactive applications) (art. 130 c. 1 and 2 of Legislative Decree 196/03 as amended).

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in points 1), 2) and 3), in connection with a pre-contractual and/or contractual or functional phase relating to a User request or provided by a specific legal provision, is compulsory and failing this it will not be possible to receive the information and access any of the services requested; with regard to point 4), the User's consent to the processing of data is, on the other hand, voluntary and optional and can always be revoked without consequences for the usability of the products and services, except that ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. will be unable to keep you updated on new initiatives or on special promotions or rewards that may be available.
ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may send commercial communications relating to products and/or services similar to those already provided, in accordance with Directive 2002/58/EU, using the e-mail or mailing addresses indicated. The User can opt out of these by contacting the addresses and according to the procedure outlined below.

Processing methods and criteria, storage times and protection measures

Digital or automated processes are used for data processing by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. and/or by third parties that ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may use to store, manage and transmit data. This data processing will be carried out using organisation and processing logs, and with reference to logs arising from access to and from use of the services available online, products and services used, for the purposes indicated and in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. The personal data processed will be kept for the time period required by the legislation applicable at the time.
In addition and for the purposes of data security, areas of the website set up for particular services, where personal data are requested from the User, are encrypted using a security technology called Secure Sockets Layer, abbreviated to SSL. SSL technology encrypts information before it is exchanged via the Internet between the user's computer and the central systems of ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., making them unintelligible to unauthorised parties, thereby guaranteeing confidentiality. Furthermore, transactions carried out using electronic payment systems are carried out directly using the platform of the Payment Service Provider (PSP) and ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. retains only the minimum amount of information necessary to manage any disputes. Specifically in relation to the aspects of personal data protection, the User/Customer is invited, pursuant to art. 33 of the GDPR, to notify ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. of any circumstances under which a potential data breach may arise, to permit immediate evaluation and to implement actions to counteract such an event, by emailing: Matteo Durante ( or by contacting Customer Services. Notwithstanding the measures adopted by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., the User must be extra vigilant in the use, where required, of sufficiently complex passwords/PINs that are required to be updated regularly, especially in the event of a data breach, and to store them safely so they are inaccessible to third parties, in order to avoid improper and unauthorised use.


A cookie is a short text string that is sent to the browser and eventually installed on the User's device, in general, every time the User visits a website. ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. uses cookies for various purposes in order to offer you a fast and secure digital experience, for example, by allowing you to maintain an active connection to the protected area while browsing through the pages of the site.
Cookies stored on the terminal cannot access any data on the hard disk, cannot transmit computer viruses or identify and use e-mail addresses. Each cookie is unique in relation to the browser and device used to access the Website or to use the ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. App. The purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the User's experience, although there may be cookies with additional functions. More information about cookies and how they work can be found on the 'All about cookies' website .

Scope of communication and transfer of data.

For the purposes indicated above, ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. may communicate and allow the User's personal data to be processed by third parties who provide services or who have working relationships with the Data Controller. Only the information necessary to perform the requested services will be communicated to them, with all necessary measures taken to protect personal data. These may be, for instance, marketing companies, data profiling companies, companies providing services or products offered on the site. Data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area if this is necessary for the management of the contractual relationship and recipients will avail of the protection and security obligations equivalent to those guaranteed by the Controller. In the case of the use of services offered directly by Partners, only the data strictly necessary to provide such services will be disclosed, and the protections applicable to data transfers to third countries will be guaranteed. Data may be disclosed to commercial service providers for marketing purposes, and these are appointed as external Data Controllers for this purpose. 
Personal data may be communicated to the competent Authority for the requirements of compliance with regulatory obligations or to determine liability in case of cyber crimes to the detriment of the website and communicated to third parties (as processors or, in the case of suppliers of electronic communication services, as autonomous controllers), who provide computer and digital services (e.g.: hosting services, web site management and development) and which ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. uses for the performance of tasks and activities both technical and organisational which are key to the functioning of its website. The subjects belonging to the above categories operate as separate Data Controllers or Processors appointed for this purpose by ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L.
Personal data may be disclosed to employees and consultants of ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L. duly instructed and appointed as Data Processors.
The categories of recipients to whom the data may be disclosed are available by contacting ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L.  at the addresses below.

Users' rights

Each User may exercise the following rights recognised by law:
  1. access to their personal data, obtaining proof of the purposes pursued by the Controller, the categories of data involved, the recipients to whom the data may be communicated, the applicable retention period, the existence of automated decision-making processes;
  2. rectification of inaccurate personal data;
  3. deletion of data;
  4. restriction of or objection to processing, when possible;
  5. portability of the data provided to ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., i.e. receipt of data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format;
  6. complaint to the Data Protection Authority pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR. 
Regarding the data processing referred to in point 4), the User may always revoke consent and exercise the right to object to direct marketing (both 'traditional' and 'automated' marketing formats). This revocation in the absence of any indication to the contrary, will refer to both traditional and automated communications.

Data Controller

The Data Controller, pursuant to Article 4 of the GDPR, is ONE CLICK TILES S.R.L., Via Eugenio Montale, 2 - 25087 Salò (BS) VAT no: 03929610982 - Tax Code: 03929610982
The aforementioned rights may be exercised if so requested by the Data Subject in the manner indicated by Customer Services or on the Website or by contacting: Matteo Durante (
Use of the Website by the User implies that he/she has read the content and any information included in this version of the Policy notice. This notice may be amended without prior notice and therefore recommend reading it regularly.

The Data Controller
This privacy policy notice was updated on 25/08/2022